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Last name Mazzoni... what can I say. I guess I’m as Italian as they come. Whether in anger or in love, there’s no hiding an Italian right. But it’s that very emotional range that gives life it’s richness and meaning. The essence of what it is to feel alive!

Our family emigrated from the Calabrian region of Italy a mere two generations ago. Bringing with them, some great recipes, particularly the art of making great Italian sauce. My fondest memories were going around Nonna and Nonno’s house every Sunday morning, helping pick the best tomatoes for making sauce. The house was lively I can tell you. With three sisters, how can it not be! A lot of great shall I say “passionate” conversations were had by all, amid the smell and taste of fantastic food. It was easy to fall in love with cooking. Biased as I may be, I learned it from the best!

From our family to yours, please enjoy this wonderful sauce, and feel free to create your own wonderful memories of “lively” family table life!
Jerry Mazzoni
Jerry Mazzoni Signature

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